Stefan Schörghofer

Account nameamd1212
OpenPGP fingerprint 8D74 8061 ED1D E36A E49D CE06 AEC2 DF8E 23BE 7E38 0 Endorsements
Status Debian Maintainer since 2017-11-06

Short Biography

I am interested in information technologies and electronics since I can think. Not surprising I choose a technical education. This was the time of my first contact with GNU/Linux because a co-worker told me to try it.

Without Internet access at home I was forced to download install images (and a little bit later also kernel sources) and print out documentation at my workplace. Very fast I found out how much I don't know. I started playing around more and more with that interesting "new" operating system and was fascinated about the possibilities using it. I am still fascinated about that.

After finishing my training I tried to find a workplace where GNU/Linux is used so I can learn even and make my hobby to my profession. Today I am a Systems Engineer only working with OpenSource software. And it is time to give something back (did that before, but now I want to do it more serious and organized).

I am very interested in automation, security, monitoring and general system administration. As an active member of the Chaos Computer Club there are always very talented people with similar interests around me, and I like to spend time with them.

If it is possible I try to attend every community event I can reach.

My contributions to Debian are some bug-reports, a little help with some translations and recently I've adopted two orphaned packages. The big plan is to become Debian Developer sometimes, adopt more packages, help more, being active within the community and also learn a lot while doing all this.

Personal history

New-style processes
Started Last Target Applicant UID Status AM
2017-10-25 2017-11-06 DM Stefan Schörghofer amd1212 Closed
Old-style processes
Applicant From To Applying for Progress AM Advocate(s)