Jose M. Calhariz

Account namecalhariz
OpenPGP fingerprint 464B C7CD 439F EE5E 8B40 98A0 348A 778D 6885 EF8F 0 Endorsements
Status Debian Developer, uploading since 2017-02-08

Short Biography

I first read a GNU License on my first year of University, around 1990 and being hooked on Free Software since then. I am a user of Linux since 1993 on my personal Desktop as a free substitute for commercial Unix that I was using on University. Using it to learn skills in Unix administration. I am a Debian user since 2.0.

I am a long time Debian Contributor and currently I am responsible for the packages switchconf, xorp, amanda, sawfish and at. I want to be a Debian Developer to help my work as a package maintainer. I don't see my involvement in Debian to decrease in near future. I use it as a desktop on my personal computers and on the Job.

I am now a software developer responsible for creating private Debian packages and maintain several bash scripts.

I used to be a Sysadmin of Debian servers and desktops. I have created more than a 100 personal and private packages to help my job.

Personal history

New-style processes
Started Last Target Applicant UID Status AM
2016-08-11 2017-02-08 DD, upl. Jose M. Calhariz calhariz Closed ondrej
Old-style processes
Applicant From To Applying for Progress AM Advocate(s)