For, at 2021-10-05: For the past several years, I have worked with xiao sheng wen on Debian's documentation translation as well as sponsorship of multiple packages. For this past work, xiao sheng wen sent mails using the email address which is the one they're using on, and they signed their work and email using a GPG key with fingerprint 740D 7FE2 AB31 43E8 6C8F D123 0018 6602 3392 40CB. I've made sure that they are able to decrypt encrypted messages sent to this key and that they're able to sign messages with the same key. Due to the long-term interactions we had, I'm convinced that xiao sheng wen as they present themselves on is the rightful owner of both email and GPG key 740D 7FE2 AB31 43E8 6C8F D123 0018 6602 3392 40CB.
For, at 2022-06-29: For the past 9 months, I have worked with xiao sheng wen on apng2gif, tnftp, stardict, and NEW opengnb. For this past work, xiao sheng wen sent mails using the email address which is the one they're using on, and they signed their work and email using a GPG key with fingerprint 740D 7FE2 AB31 43E8 6C8F D123 0018 6602 3392 40CB. I've made sure that they are able to decrypt encrypted messages sent to this key and that they're able to sign messages with the same key. Due to the long-term interactions we had, I'm convinced that xiao sheng wen as they present themselves on is the rightful owner of both email and GPG key 740D 7FE2 AB31 43E8 6C8F D123 0018 6602 3392 40CB.