Application status for Dominic Hargreaves
Personal information
Applicant | Dominic Hargreaves <> |
Received application | 2005-05-20 |
Time of Last Action | 2006-05-04 |
Advocate | sjq |
Account name | dom |
OpenPGP fingerprint |
CB49 6527 F900 9F2B 1C1A 76DA C005 7E71 4D69 4FB2
Manager | myon |
Process | Debian Contributor → Debian Developer, uploading |
Progress | Completed |
Account created | yes |
Process log
Date | Changed by | Progress |
2005-05-20 | Applicant asked to enter the process | |
2005-05-26 | Applicant replied to initial mail | |
2005-05-26 | Received enough advocacies | |
2005-09-28 | myon | Waiting for AM to confirm |
2005-09-28 | myon | Interacting with an AM |
2006-03-14 | myon | AM approved |
2006-04-29 | he | FD approved |
2006-05-04 | joerg | DAM approved |
2006-05-04 | joerg | Completed |