Application status for Richard Kenneth Darst

Personal information

ApplicantRichard Kenneth Darst <>
Received application2012-10-26
Time of Last Action2014-09-03
Advocate ana
Account namerkd
OpenPGP fingerprint A4B2 B20C 7D93 874E D38B 0109 6607 8F84 BD35 6740
ProcessDebian Contributor → Debian Developer, uploading
Account createdno

Process log

Date Changed by Progress
2012-10-26 jmw Applicant asked to enter the process
2012-10-26 jmw Advocacies have been approved
2012-11-04 jmw Waiting for AM to confirm
2012-11-06 reichel Interacting with an AM
2013-02-04 reichel AM hold
2013-11-26 reichel Advocacies have been approved
2013-12-08 jmw FD hold
2014-09-03 jmw Cancelled