Application status for Richard Michael Hartmann

Personal information

ApplicantRichard Michael Hartmann <>
Received application2013-05-21
Time of Last Action2013-08-01
Advocates abe, bremner, lucas, zack, tg
Account namerichih
OpenPGP fingerprint DF0B FDFF 4A4D DA01 7944 1B8F 6906 4B01 9520 6DD3
ProcessDebian Maintainer → Debian Developer, uploading
Account createdyes

Process log

Date Changed by Progress
2013-05-21 abe Applicant asked to enter the process
2013-05-21 abe Received enough advocacies
2013-05-22 jmw Advocacies have been approved
2013-05-22 jmw Waiting for AM to confirm
2013-05-25 jackyf Interacting with an AM
2013-06-13 jackyf AM approved
2013-07-14 jmw FD hold
2013-07-15 jmw FD approved
2013-07-29 enrico DAM approved
2013-08-01 Completed