Application status for Dmitry Shachnev

Personal information

ApplicantDmitry Shachnev <>
Received application2013-09-22
Time of Last Action2014-09-01
Advocate asb
Account namemitya57
OpenPGP fingerprint F242 99FF 1BBC 9018 B906 A4CB 6026 936D 2F1C 8AE0
ProcessDebian Maintainer → Debian Developer, uploading
Account createdyes

Process log

Date Changed by Progress
2013-09-22 asb Applicant asked to enter the process
2013-09-22 asb Received enough advocacies
2013-10-22 jandd Activity poll sent
2013-10-23 jandd Advocacies have been approved
2013-10-23 jandd Waiting for AM to confirm
2013-11-16 stefanor Interacting with an AM
2014-08-29 stefanor AM approved
2014-08-29 jmw FD approved
2014-08-29 jmw DAM approved
2014-09-01 Completed