Application status for Geoff Levand
Personal information
Applicant | Geoff Levand <> |
Received application | 2013-11-15 |
Time of Last Action | 2016-06-20 |
Advocates | riku, wookey |
Account name | geoff |
OpenPGP fingerprint |
632F B1B8 36CF B547 18DB AF17 171B 27A8 ED7F 924E
Manager | jackyf |
Process | Debian Contributor → Debian Developer, uploading |
Progress | Cancelled |
Account created | no |
Process log
Date | Changed by | Progress |
2013-11-15 | jandd | Applicant asked to enter the process |
2013-11-21 | jandd | Activity poll sent |
2013-12-10 | jandd | Advocacies have been approved |
2013-12-10 | jandd | Waiting for AM to confirm |
2013-12-10 | lfaraone | Interacting with an AM |
2014-05-29 | jandd | Advocacies have been approved |
2014-05-29 | jandd | Waiting for AM to confirm |
2014-06-01 | jackyf | Interacting with an AM |
2014-07-23 | jackyf | AM hold |
2016-06-20 | enrico | Cancelled |