Application status for Christoph Biedl

Personal information

ApplicantChristoph Biedl <>
Received application2014-05-16
Time of Last Action2016-12-24
Advocates aba, zugschlus
Account namecbiedl
OpenPGP fingerprint 5973 08FB BDBA 035D 8C7C 95DD C42C 58EB 5914 92FD
ProcessDebian Maintainer → Debian Developer, uploading
Account createdyes

Process log

Date Changed by Progress
2014-05-16 aba Applicant asked to enter the process
2014-05-16 aba Received enough advocacies
2014-06-09 jandd Activity poll sent
2014-06-16 jandd Advocacies have been approved
2014-07-25 enrico Waiting for AM to confirm
2014-07-25 sramacher Interacting with an AM
2015-05-06 sramacher AM hold
2016-07-05 enrico Cancelled
2016-07-05 enrico AM hold
2016-07-05 sramacher Interacting with an AM
2016-11-30 sramacher AM approved
2016-12-23 enrico FD approved
2016-12-23 enrico DAM approved