Application status for Samuel James Joseph Bronson

Personal information

ApplicantSamuel James Joseph Bronson <>
Received application2014-06-27
Time of Last Action2016-06-20
Advocate zumbi
Account namesbronson
OpenPGP fingerprint C199 D161 F056 EF61 5D11 5983 BA99 96E1 D7CB 9D6F
ProcessDebian Contributor, with guest account → Debian Developer, uploading
Account createdno

Process log

Date Changed by Progress
2014-06-27 zumbi Applicant asked to enter the process
2014-06-27 zumbi Received enough advocacies
2014-07-10 jandd Activity poll sent
2014-09-27 jandd Advocacies have been approved
2014-10-29 jandd Waiting for AM to confirm
2014-11-01 reichel Interacting with an AM
2014-12-29 reichel AM hold
2016-06-20 enrico Cancelled