Application status for Ryan Lortie
Personal information
Applicant | Ryan Lortie <> |
Received application | 2014-09-02 |
Time of Last Action | 2015-04-21 |
Advocate | xnox |
Account name | desrt |
OpenPGP fingerprint |
438B 1920 72AD C209 58D6 5C99 9F7A 2232 AFAA 6FF6
Process | Debian Contributor, with guest account → Debian Developer, non-uploading |
Progress | Cancelled |
Account created | no |
Process log
Date | Changed by | Progress |
2014-09-02 | xnox | Received enough advocacies |
2014-09-03 | jmw | Activity poll sent |
2015-04-21 | jmw | Cancelled |