Application status for Ximin Luo

Personal information

ApplicantXimin Luo <>
Received application2015-03-19
Time of Last Action2015-08-14
Advocate lunar
Account nameinfinity0
OpenPGP fingerprint 0152 DF71 47EC 5E63 3E00 57FB 5603 4877 E1F8 7C35
ProcessDebian Maintainer, with guest account → Debian Developer, uploading
Account createdyes

Process log

Date Changed by Progress
2015-03-19 lunar Received enough advocacies
2015-05-08 jmw Advocacies have been approved
2015-05-08 jmw Waiting for AM to confirm
2015-05-09 sramacher Interacting with an AM
2015-07-21 sramacher AM approved
2015-07-29 madamezou FD approved
2015-08-05 jmw DAM approved
2015-08-14 Completed