Application status for Breno Leitao

Personal information

ApplicantBreno Leitao <>
Received application2015-08-16
Time of Last Action2016-08-01
Advocates mafm, wookey
Account nameleitao
OpenPGP fingerprint AC85 39A6 E8F4 6702 CA4A 439B 35A3 939F FC78 776D
ProcessDebian Contributor → Debian Developer, uploading
Account createdyes

Process log

Date Changed by Progress
2015-08-16 wookey Received enough advocacies
2015-08-18 jmw Activity poll sent
2016-02-14 jmw Cancelled
2016-03-09 jmw Activity poll sent
2016-03-30 jmw Advocacies have been approved
2016-05-25 enrico Waiting for AM to confirm
2016-05-31 asb Interacting with an AM
2016-07-22 asb AM approved
2016-07-31 jmw FD hold
2016-08-01 jmw FD approved
2016-08-01 jmw DAM approved