Akash Santhosh

Account nameakash
OpenPGP fingerprint E76B D46E 2300 B39D 6AF8 FE06 E86F 1A6C F30F EA6D 0 Endorsements
Status Debian Contributor on nm.debian.org since 2023-12-16

Short Biography

I'm a computer enthusiast and a network engineering student who started using Debian and other Free Softwares at age of 14 when I didn't know what free softwares were. I love managing servers and self-hosts free softwares and hobby projects at home. Since 2019, I understood that there is a wider community of Free Software Enthusiasts who share similar ideologies and I joined them, Since then I have encouraged more and more people to transition and adopt the usage of Free Software mainly to Debian or Ubuntu. The fact that my words have influenced a lot of people such as large scale organizations including an Internet Service Provider company adopted Debian and Debian based OSes into their daily machines made me realize that I am kind of a Free Software Advocate. I have actively participated in the miniDebConfs and DebUstavs in India and made it to the Local Team of DebConf23 Kochi managing logistics, implementing networks and assisting the video team. Also volunteered for the Video Team in miniDebConf 23 Cambridge. Meeting all the people in Debian, I feel like seeing myself in a mirror, most of them had gadgets in their backbacks like I did, shared similar ideas and had a positive attitude for helping people understand and learn the things they don't know, which made me even closer to the Debian Project. One of my goals is to set up an official debian mirror for India and one of my interests would be to volunteer for the Debian community team.

Personal history

New-style processes
Started Last Target Applicant UID Status AM
2023-12-16 2023-12-21 DD, non-upl. Akash Santhosh akash AM Hold tobi
Old-style processes
Applicant From To Applying for Progress AM Advocate(s)