Arif Ali

Account namearifali
OpenPGP fingerprint D496 9DDC 4665 3276 591F C45D 7E6C 0B9E B594 4CEB 0 Endorsements
Status Debian Maintainer since 2025-01-26

Short Biography

I have been using Linux since 1999 with various distributions, with the earliest being Mandrake Linux, with Fedora Core 1 being the first official distro for work Laptop in 2003. Which you can imagine had several issues to actually get working. Over the years I delved into Debian, CentOS, Red Hat and Ubuntu, interchanging based on experiences and requirements.

I have been working at Canonical since 2019, and have since been using Ubuntu, which is based on Debian, and hence have the extra familiarity of Debian style operating system.

Beginning of 2024, I took ownership of the sosreport package in Ubuntu, and had my packages sponsored several times.

With the Debian package being abandon for almost 2 years we had contact by a DM on updated/progress. This got me involved, and have now took maintainership, and have since released/got sponsored multiple versions.

  • My main application for DM is to make the process of sponsoring sosreport quicker and easier for myself, and put less burden on DDs
  • Eventually I would like to Adopt or propose a few more packages that I can then help maintain.
  • I would potentially like to get involved with debian-mentors, and help new packagers, and ease their way to packaging (still working my way towards with this)
  • Eventually work towards getting DD status, and having DM status to start with current packaging would give a good start towards it.

Personal history

New-style processes
Started Last Target Applicant UID Status AM
2024-12-09 2025-01-26 DM Arif Ali arifali Closed
Old-style processes
Applicant From To Applying for Progress AM Advocate(s)