Ben Collins

Account namebencollins
OpenPGP fingerprint 3EC9 7598 1672 961A 1139 173A 5D5A 57C7 242B 22CF 0 Endorsements
Status Debian Contributor on since 2024-12-22

Short Biography

Ex Debian Project Leader:

Ubuntu Core Developer:

I started using Linux 25+ years ago. For Debian, I maintained GNU Libc, OpenLDAP, dpkg, and many other packages. I also maintained the SPARC and UltraSPARC ports (GLibc, GCC, SILO, Linux Kernel), and I created the original Debian Developer Machine Access (dchroot, which became schroot over many iterations).

I worked for Canonical as the Kernel Team Lead.

Currently, I work on a lot of personal projects, including LibJWT (which I see Debian uses):

I would like to come back into Debian, first to work as the package maintainer for LibJWT, progressing to more in-depth participation as I get back into the community.

Personal history

New-style processes
Started Last Target Applicant UID Status AM
2024-12-22 2025-01-28 DM Ben Collins bencollins Approved
Old-style processes
Applicant From To Applying for Progress AM Advocate(s)