Carlos Donizete Froes

Account namecoringao
OpenPGP fingerprint 2157 630B D441 A775 BEFF D35F FA63 ADA6 B638 B780 0 Endorsements
Status Debian Contributor on since 2018-04-23

Short Biography

In my spare time, I am an open source game hunter as a hobby.

My intention is to upload new games and the ones I own in the Debian project, making improvements and bug fixes.

Adopting games that are orphaned in the Debian project for future improvements, always respecting the guidelines of other DDs.

Personal history

New-style processes
Started Last Target Applicant UID Status AM
2020-04-18 2020-05-04 DM Carlos Donizete Froes coringao Closed
2020-04-18 2020-04-18 DM Carlos Donizete Froes coringao Closed
2020-04-17 2020-04-18 DC+account Carlos Donizete Froes coringao Closed
2019-08-30 2019-09-15 DM Carlos Donizete Froes coringao Closed
2019-01-20 2019-01-29 DD, upl. Carlos Donizete Froes coringao Closed
2018-04-23 2018-04-23 DM Carlos Donizete Froes coringao Closed
Old-style processes
Applicant From To Applying for Progress AM Advocate(s)