Daniel Shahaf

Account namedanielsh
OpenPGP fingerprint E966 46BE 08C0 AF0A A0F9 0788 A5FE EE3A C793 7444 0 Endorsements
Status Debian Maintainer since 2016-10-04

Short Biography

Finally, please tell something about yourself, how you came to Debian and Free Software, and why you want to volunteer your time. Please describe the contributions you have made to Debian, your primary areas of interest and any goals you wish to accomplish.

I'm an upstream co-developer for Subversion (since 2008) and zsh and primary upstream of zsh-syntax-highlighting. I became involved in development of Debian when I packaged the latter.

I contribute to the Reproducible Builds project, primarily by diagnosing individual packages, and have contributed indirectly by improving zsh's tab completion of Debian development tools (such as apt-get(8) and bts(1)) and its vcs_info/quilt integration.

I also submitted a QA upload of svnmailer.

I tend to contribute through code reviews, security design/analysis, and and patches for bugs or minor features.

Note: the 'debian@…' address above is for mail filtering purposes; my usual "public address" is 'danielsh@apache.org'.

Personal history

New-style processes
Started Last Target Applicant UID Status AM
2016-09-23 2016-10-04 DM Daniel Shahaf danielsh Closed
Old-style processes
Applicant From To Applying for Progress AM Advocate(s)