My name is Nick Rosbrook, and I am an open source software developer. I initially started using Debian, Ubuntu, and other open source projects during my first year in college. I started by contributing to Firefox for Android, and I wanted to use a Linux development environment. Soon after, it became my daily driver, and soon after that I installed Debian on an old machine at home to have a basic home server. Over the years, I have become involved in projects like strongSwan, Xen, systemd, Ubuntu, and Debian. I am a firm believer in free and open source software, and I am proud to be involved in the wider open source community.
I am currently employed by Canonical to develop Ubuntu, and I am an Ubuntu Core Developer. Primarily, I maintain the systemd package in Ubuntu, but I work on many other packages in the archive as well. My contributions to Debian have mostly involved forwarding patches to Debian in the form of bug reports, or PRs on Salsa if the repository is actively used. I have also built a good working relationship with the Debian systemd maintainer, and we regularly collaborate to reduce the delta between the Ubuntu and Debian systemd packages. I enjoy collaborating more directly in Debian, and I want to become a DM so that I can do just that. In particular, I hope to provide more assistance in maintaining the systemd package.
My name is Nick Rosbrook, and I am an open source software developer. I initially started using Debian, Ubuntu, and other open … Expand