Felix Zielcke
Account name | fzielcke |
OpenPGP fingerprint |
2D68 5DD4 E0BB BD52 02B9 1777 B76D B9FF F0B6 BF1F
1 Endorsements
Status |
Debian Maintainer
(changed before data import)
Short Biography
I started with Linux when I was around 14/15 with Suse Linux.
Came to Debian between woody and sarge
In 2008 I started my Debian constributions with GRUB 2
Now I'm 28 and my in-firm training to a Fachinformatiker/Systemintegration begins this year
The company is unfortunately weorking with CentOS and not Debian
I started with Linux when I was around 14/15 with Suse Linux.
Came to Debian between woody and sarge
In 2008 I started my D… Expand
Personal history
Old-style processes
Applicant |
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Progress |
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