Johan Van de Wauw
Account name | johanvdw |
OpenPGP fingerprint | CC1C A34C 24B7 CBD0 507C 1864 E5F4 51C2 A333 58C5 0 Endorsements |
Status | Debian Contributor, with guest account since 2021-09-27 |
Short Biography
Personal history
Started | Last | Target | Applicant | UID | Status | AM |
DC+account | Johan Van de Wauw | johanvdw | Closed |
Applicant | From | To | Applying for | Progress | AM | Advocate(s) |
johanvdw | June 10, 2015 | Aug. 18, 2015 | Debian Maintainer, with guest account (done) | Cancelled | None | sebastic |