Chris Talbot

Account namekop316
OpenPGP fingerprint E69B 82D1 6464 74A6 189F C3E6 EFFD 5531 7759 ED5B 0 Endorsements
Status Debian Contributor on since 2025-03-10

Short Biography


I have been using Linux since 2005, and Debian full time since 2008. I never really found a chance to give back until the Debian on Mobile Project, where I have been helping out there in various manners. I maintain a couple of the telephony stacks (MMS and Visual Voicemail). I also helped develop a native GTK GUI for Meshtastic Clients.

I have also been helping out to package these in Debian, and wish to keep helping out the Debian on Mobile space to bring Debian to mobile devices.

Personal history

Old-style processes
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