Leandro Cunha

Account nameleandrocunha
OpenPGP fingerprint 719B 4295 85D0 5296 EC6B 4A43 36E9 E92E E7AB B579 0 Endorsements
Status Debian Contributor on nm.debian.org since 2020-05-25

Short Biography

A Debian user for several years, I have been collaborating with Quality Assurance, communities, wiki, Debian Themes Team, Ruby Team and support to others users. Development analyst with knowledge of studies, courses, projects and college curriculum: JavaScript, TypeScript, C#, Kotlin, Java, Python, PHP, Go, React, .NET Framework, ASP.NET Core, Vue.js, Adonis, NestJS, NextJS, Fiber, Express.js, Flask, Dart, Django, Firebase, SASS, Tailwind CSS, Vite, GraphCMS, GraphQL, Angular, Ruby on Rails, Ruby and SCSS. Mobile developer: React Native (college curriculum and studies), Android Native (Kotlin and Java) and Flutter (Dart). Databases: NoSQL (MongoDB and Redis) and SQL (MySQL, SQL Server, MariaDB and PostgreSQL). DevOps and agile methodologies. Docker. Shell Script. He has been developing personal projects since 2010, starting as a Webmaster, with more than 12 years of studies and development of these projects. Bachelor in Information Systems from the University Center of Patos de Minas (Minas Gerais/MG) (UNIPAM). Computer Science with Python by the USP Free Software Competence Center (2018). I participate in GitHub Global Campus, GitHub Education and have a Google Developer profile.

Personal history

New-style processes
Started Last Target Applicant UID Status AM
2020-05-26 2020-05-26 DM Leandro Cunha leandrocunha Closed
2020-05-26 2020-05-26 DC+account Leandro Cunha leandrocunha Closed
Old-style processes
Applicant From To Applying for Progress AM Advocate(s)