I used to be a developer by profession and my hobbies were elsewhere. Now my day job has no development, I find myself seeking a little bit of compiler error every now and then to scratch the itch. Occasional contributor to open source projects, from a tiny patch for putty ages ago to minor kernel hwmon support. Just small patches and fixes.
Like most people, I prefer contributing to things I use regularly and realised I can dedicate some of my time to the project I use on my everyday PCs. My OS! And of course, it beats complaining about why it's broken when you can fix the code and submit a patch. My first contribution was coreboot-utils, which I remembered having to compile myself in the past to get to the superiotool to troubleshoot hwmon issues, so it made sense to adopt that. It had a pretty difficult copyright file, which I gave up trying to fix several times and found it quite frustrating. But after two weeks, I finally arrived at a version I liked enough to submit. That felt pretty nice to submit an updated and cleaned up package, so I went back for more. It also helped that people on the mailing list and my sponsor were very helpful.
When I'm not on my pc coding or fragging noobs, I'm probably watching F1 or playing guitar really badly. And since I'm writing this in January, of course, I spend a lot of time at the gym! (don't read this last line in the spring, summer or autumn)
I used to be a developer by profession and my hobbies were elsewhere. Now my day job has no development, I find myself seeking … Expand