
Account namenabijaczleweli
OpenPGP fingerprint 7D69 474E 8402 8C5C C0C4 4163 BCFD 0B01 8D26 58F1 0 Endorsements
Status Debian Maintainer since 2024-12-15

Short Biography

Finally, please tell something about yourself, Bread enthusiast @ https://nabijaczleweli.xyz/content/recipes/ Computing enjoyer @ https://nabijaczleweli.xyz/content/blogn_t/

One of the two remaining x32 enthusiasts – https://popcon.debian.org/stat/sub-x32.png

Please describe the contributions you have made to Debian, At time of writing (2024-09-24), debbugs search says I've opened 399 bugs (139 resolved, 23 forwarded) with comments on another 106; 110 of these are tagged patch, most likely by me. This doesn't include some Salsa-only MRs of course, nor some which went directly to upstream (systemd is the largest offender here at 6+38).

After resuscitating urlview thusly, I took it over after ema@ gave it up; this as a side-effect also produced a new upstream. This trend continued with archivemount, netstat-nat, and the left-overs of the OSSP project (https://sr.ht/~nabijaczleweli/ossp – I maintain src:ossp-uuid and provide updated src:eperl/src:iselect).

I've ported the current C++ version of systemd-cron (including updated packaging), and maintain it with tchet@ (up- and downstream).

I maintain snappy-tools in Debian (and upstream).

your primary areas of interest i like it when the computer does what it says it ought to /and/ continues to do so [degree of difficulty: impossible]

Also, as is evident from the above, my interests overlap ideologically with the salvage team (of which I partake as well), but tend to be wider and include the upstream.

and any goals you wish to accomplish. Ideally I'd like to go two weeks between finding reportable issues (currently averaging like 4.19 days between bugs; this is significantly lower than it had been a year or two ago, so the method works!).

Personal history

New-style processes
Started Last Target Applicant UID Status AM
2024-10-23 2024-12-15 DM наб nabijaczleweli Closed
Old-style processes
Applicant From To Applying for Progress AM Advocate(s)