Nicolas Peugnet

Account namenicolasp
OpenPGP fingerprint F272 9905 F199 2008 9976 0545 A254 8B41 BC3D 2114 0 Endorsements
Status Debian Contributor on since 2025-02-13

Short Biography

I am a software developer and I am a daily Debian user. It is my operating system of choice when using Linux. I use it on my personal and work machines, as well as on the CLUB1's server, a community that is trying to make the Internet a better place (see https://club1/fr). In fact we made a migration from Ubuntu to Debian relatively recently, mostly because Debian was more aligned with our objectives, both technically and as a project that is community focused (see (in French)).

I first contributed to Debian by packaging a Prometheus exporter for PHP-FPM, which would be very useful for CLUB1. But in the process, I noticed that the Lintian website ( was down. After investigating a bit, I figured that I could develop a simple tool to generate a static website that could be uploaded back to this URL. And this is how I ended up making lintian-ssg (

I joined the Go team as it is one of my favourite languages, and I would like to contribute by packaging and maintaining Go packages within Debian. I am currently working on packaging some Docker components, to make Debian's Docker package capable of building newer images that require these additional components.

Personal history

New-style processes
Started Last Target Applicant UID Status AM
2025-02-13 2025-03-11 DM Nicolas Peugnet nicolasp Waiting for review
Old-style processes
Applicant From To Applying for Progress AM Advocate(s)