Nikos Tsipinakis
Short Biography
Hi! I'm Nikos. I'm currently studying computer science at Harokopio University in Greece. I've been using Debian for about 5 years by now and I started contributing by maintaining newsbeuter after about 2 years.
Since then I've also packaged newsboat which is in the process of being re-written to Rust. This has nudged me to start learning the language and made me interested in the packaging of Rust crates in Debian.
Hi! I'm Nikos. I'm currently studying computer science at Harokopio University in Greece. I've been using Debian for about 5 ye… Expand
Personal history
New-style processes
Started |
Last |
Target |
Applicant |
Status |
AM |
2019-08-19 |
2019-08-26 |
DM |
Nikos Tsipinakis |
nikos |
Closed |
Old-style processes
Applicant |
From |
To |
Applying for |
Progress |
AM |
Advocate(s) |