Nicolas Schodet

Account namenschodet
OpenPGP fingerprint 7FDB 831F 867F F7F9 7F56 1F7B 38A8 90B6 5339 7A55 0 Endorsements
Status Debian Maintainer since 2024-12-19

Short Biography

I am a Debian user for more than 20 years. Contributing to Debian is something I want to do for a long time, but I never had the occasion to do it.

Today, many people see open source only as a way to work effectively.

Free Software is more than that, it is empowering the users.

Debian has been true to this goal and this is something I would like to take part into.

Since I joined the Debian LEGO Team, I have contributed changes to existing packages, both on the packaging and the software itself when the upstream maintainer was not responding. I also brought back nxt-python which was removed in 2020 due to missing python 3 support.

I plan to continue working on LEGO related software, but also software related to electronics.

I am a believer in Yak Shaving, so I will not miss opportunities to fix problems as I find them in my day to day activities.

Many thanks to Petter Reinholdtsen and Soren Stoutner, for having encouraged me to change a “maybe one day”, to a “why not now?”.

Personal history

New-style processes
Started Last Target Applicant UID Status AM
2024-11-27 2024-12-19 DM Nicolas Schodet nschodet Closed
Old-style processes
Applicant From To Applying for Progress AM Advocate(s)