I am Benda Xu, a particle physicist working at the University of Tokyo
and Tsinghua University. I started using GNU/Linux since 2003, starting
from Mandrake and Redhat, but soon settled down with Debian Woody. I
wanted to try GNU/Linux because it was more challenging and tech-savvy
than other consumer grade operating systems, and more customizable and
friendly to programmers. After I joined experimental physics, GNU/Linux
and my system administration skills helped me enormously for managing
and analyzing huge amount of experimental data.
I made my first contribution to Debian just before I went to university
in 2005, as the simplified Chinese translator of Sarge Release Note. I
have also helped with the translation of Etch Release Note.
In my professional and daily life, Debian is my main driver. All my
desktops, laptops and servers I own are running Debian. I have crafted
my style around Debian, and have improved it whenever I see fit. I have
re-/introduced new packages like openrc, a clean, small, C/hell-based
service management system; casacore, a professional radio astronomy
framework; scim-pinyin, a Chinese input method I use. I participated in
maintaining packages like oss4, the sound system; babeld, the RFC6126
routing daemon; stumpwm, a common lisp tiling window manager; sysvinit,
the classic init system. I have participated in troubleshooting bugs of
many packages such as tinc and unison.
I believe in free software, and I relate the spirit of free software to
the original motivation of science: to understand the universe, to hack
the universe, and to share the joy whereof. Since becoming a Gentoo
developer in 2011, I contributed actively in Gentoo Prefix, toolchain,
scientific and high performance computing areas. My major contribution,
Gentoo Prefix runs Gentoo by normal user privilege on shared clusters, a
by-product of which being a GNU userland to be installed on Android
devices without chroot.
I would like to make sure the set of software I use are well-maintained
in Debian. I believe being a DD will facilitate that. I will also
explore integration of Debian and Gentoo by having dpkg and portage
understand each other's package databases, so that we will have the best
of two worlds.
I am Benda Xu, a particle physicist working at the University of Tokyo
and Tsinghua University. I started using GNU/Linux sin… Expand