Martin-Éric RACINE

Account nameperkelix
OpenPGP fingerprint C890 02C7 7A8B EC6A 4E6D 7390 AE1F 8277 C4B4 D7B6 0 Endorsements
Status Debian Maintainer since 2025-03-01

Short Biography

I've been contributing to Debian since 2003 when someone sponsored my very first package. My programming skills are minimal (mostly Bourne shell scripting), but I'm really good at refactoring the Debian packaging of packages I randomly adopt to bring it up to current best practices. I tend to pass maintenance over to someone else once I'm satisfied with the result of the overhaul. I recently got around converting my packages to Git and pushed them onto Salsa. A while back I adopted src:dhcpcd and it recently became the default DHCP client that ships with Debian starting with Trixie instead of ISC DHCP (dhclient). Because that particular package now ships with priority:important, it has been the source of well-deserved increased scrutiny from Debian contributors, which has required a more frequent volume of uploads than most of my packages until now. Given this, my usual sponsor, Boyuan Yang (byang), asked me if I could please get around applying for Debian Maintainer status. Here we are.

Personal history

New-style processes
Started Last Target Applicant UID Status AM
2025-02-13 2025-03-01 DM Martin-Éric RACINE perkelix Closed
Old-style processes
Applicant From To Applying for Progress AM Advocate(s)