Elimar Riesebieter

Account nameriesebie
OpenPGP fingerprint 039A 8F7E 08BB BE7D FEE6 65CA 3DAB 374D B7DC F1BB 0 Endorsements
Status Debian Contributor on nm.debian.org since 2016-03-02

Short Biography

My first contact with UNIX I became in 1988, Working as a design engineer doing FEA's (Finite Elemant Analysis) and 3-D CAD Modeling with I-DEAS running on IBM-AIX. Influenced from that work I installed my first Home-PC in 1996 with Slackware before I switched to Debian Potato in the End of 2000.

I am the maintainer of moc (since 2004), ripit (since 2006), Co-Maintainer of all alsa-packages (since 2004), lynx (since 2015) and in between mutt-ng.

My interests are in packaging, (co)managing local events (especially in the area around the Lake of Konstanz), mentoring, and maybe more.

Jordi Mallach and Nico Golde will be so kind to advocate me.

I would be glad to become a member of Debian as a DD with upload.


Personal history

Old-style processes
Applicant From To Applying for Progress AM Advocate(s)
riesebie March 5, 2016 Oct. 4, 2016 Debian Developer, uploading (done) Cancelled None jordi, nion