Robin Jarry

Account namerjarry
OpenPGP fingerprint DC07 18E3 22E2 C760 5EBD C831 4695 7EC0 8FD0 FE90 1 Endorsements
Status Debian Maintainer since 2022-07-30

Short Biography

Hi all,

In a previous life, I worked several years as a recording engineer for a music studio. I switched careers in 2009 after going to night school. I chose computer science (is that how they call it?) without much conviction at first, fearing that the job would be "boring". Little did I know how passionate I would become with the subject. I have been working with free software from the start. First with Ubuntu, then Debian and now Fedora as well. For personal use and also for work. I believe open-source is the right way to do software.

On the personal side of things, I live in France near Paris. I have two kids and I play guitar.

Over the years, I have contributed to upstream projects:

And also created/maintained others:

I became involved with Debian packaging at first through buildbot as I was an upstream maintainer. I thought helping with Debian packaging was a small price to pay for all the benefits I got from it. I joined the python team and have been maintaining buildbot in Debian since 2017:

Recently, I adopted the aerc email client as its original creator had left it for other works. I was contacted by Nilesh Patra to be part of the go team and help with aerc's packaging.

Nilesh just asked me if I would like to become a Debian Maintainer and be able to upload my own packages without a sponsor. I am honored with the opportunity and I will make sure to be worthy of his trust.

Cheers, Robin

Personal history

New-style processes
Started Last Target Applicant UID Status AM
2022-07-17 2022-07-30 DM Robin Jarry rjarry Closed
Old-style processes
Applicant From To Applying for Progress AM Advocate(s)