Stefano Brivio

Account namesbrivio
OpenPGP fingerprint 04AB 30CE 0CE3 E98A 77B5 9C1E A5E5 C2A2 D2FE CB0B 0 Endorsements
Status Debian Maintainer since 2024-05-26

Short Biography

I've been a Debian user for approximately 20 years, and I started contributing to the Linux kernel in 2005 (bcm43xx driver, then b43, and rc80211_pid for mac80211).

More recently, I started working as a developer at Red Hat (2017), and I'm currently working in a virtualisation team with focus on networking. My recent contributions are mostly centered on netfilter (authored nft_set_pipapo) and core networking (IPv6, routing). I recently started passt (, a user-mode network stack), mbuto (, seitan (, and I've been mentoring for the Linux kernel community in the Outreachy program.

Since 2022, I've been maintaining the passt package ( as a sponsored maintainer (my sponsor is Vincent Bernat). I didn't make any other direct, relevant contribution to Debian, yet. My interest in becoming a full Debian maintainer revolves around this package, and possibly helping out with surrounding ones (say, Podman/libpod).

Personal history

New-style processes
Started Last Target Applicant UID Status AM
2024-05-10 2024-05-26 DM Stefano Brivio sbrivio Closed
Old-style processes
Applicant From To Applying for Progress AM Advocate(s)