Wolfgang Silbermayr

Account namesilwol
OpenPGP fingerprint 164F 8CF5 2C21 7E34 83E5 7830 0CB5 EFD8 58B0 9E60 0 Endorsements
Status Debian Maintainer since 2018-11-11

Short Biography

I've been a Debian user since around 2003, and I'm active in a local LUG since 2001. That's also the place where I learned about Free Software and Debian's orientation towards their user's freedom when discussing with other users. Having received such huge benefit from the Debian ecosystem and Free Software in a broader sense, my main motivation is to give something back. I updated the removed gcovr package some time ago, and it was sponsored into Debian. I am a software and firmware developer for profession, and as such, the Rust programming language attracted my attention around 2016. I started teaching myself the language, and when trying to create Debian packages of Rust crates, I found some shortcomings in the debcargo tool. I started submitting patches which got accepted. Soon after that, I built some Rust packages for Debian, most of which are in Testing already. Some of these required working with upstream in terms of submitting bug reports and patches. The Rust packaging team is where I contribute most of the work that I can perform.

Personal history

New-style processes
Started Last Target Applicant UID Status AM
2019-11-13 2024-08-06 DD, upl. Wolfgang Silbermayr silwol Closed
2018-11-04 2018-11-11 DM Wolfgang Silbermayr silwol Closed
Old-style processes
Applicant From To Applying for Progress AM Advocate(s)