Marcos Talau

Account nametalau
OpenPGP fingerprint B522 F391 59DA 07DD 39DC 0B11 F4BA AA80 DB28 BA4C 0 Endorsements
Status Debian Developer, uploading since 2022-08-24

Short Biography

My name is Marcos Talau, I was born in Dois Vizinhos, Brazil, in 1983. Since 2016 I live in Curitiba, Brazil.

I received a Ph.D. degree in telecommunications and networks from the Federal University of Technology - Paraná (UTFPR), Curitiba, in 2020. Since 2012, I am a professor of Computer Networks and Computer Programming, at the UTFPR.

My first contact with free software was with GNU/Linux distributions. Around 2000 I bought a Brazilian magazine that came with Conectiva 3.0 (Guarani) distribution. After that, I used Slackware 7.0. Around 2002 I bought another Brazilian magazine that came with Debian 2.2. I really liked Debian and I started to use it for fun and work.

Around 2004 I joined a local Debian User Group (Brazil, Paraná) and I helped to organize some install fests.

Between the years 2007 to 2012 I was working at UTFPR as systems analyst. I used Debian on all servers of campus Dois Vizinhos. I also used Debian for LTSP in the Desktops of some labs.

In my M.Sc. [1] I worked with Linux kernel (2.6.34). I implemented a new network schedule named NGWA. For NGWA to work, I also needed to change some parts of TCP and IP stack. Also, on M.Sc. I made a port and validation of Random Early Detection (RED) from network simulator (ns-2) to ns-3 [2].

I'm also a professor in graduate courses where I use Debian to teach GNU/Linux, scripting languages, and web security.

My first contribution to Debian packaging was in 2008. Since August 2021 I've been Debian Maintainer. Currently, I maintain seven packages in the main section -- and I have one pending upload. I did 11 NMUs and seven QAs.



Personal history

New-style processes
Started Last Target Applicant UID Status AM
2022-05-24 2022-08-24 DD, upl. Marcos Talau talau Closed zigo
2021-07-07 2021-08-24 DM Marcos Talau talau Closed
Old-style processes
Applicant From To Applying for Progress AM Advocate(s)