Teus Benschop
Account name | teusbenschop |
OpenPGP fingerprint |
85EA FEE5 CF2C D500 736B D8DE 9302 2BAD 0563 A51D
0 Endorsements
Status |
Debian Developer, uploading
Short Biography
I am Teus Benschop.
Married and have one daughter.
I am a long-time C++ developer.
Have been programming for 25++ years now. Mostly in C++.
Have been involved with Debian for 7+ years.
Active in Bible translation software.
Have been active in https://qa.debian.org/developer.php?email=pkg-crosswire-devel%40alioth-lists.debian.net
After being a Debian Developer, I intend to assist keeping certain Bible-related packages up-to-date in Debian.
I am Teus Benschop.
Married and have one daughter.
I am a long-time C++ developer.
Have been programming for 2… Expand
Personal history
Old-style processes
Applicant |
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Applying for |
Progress |
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Advocate(s) |
Advocate history
Old-style processes
Applicant |
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Applying for |
Progress |
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Advocate(s) |