Thomas Ward

Account nameteward
OpenPGP fingerprint A832 0721 CEED 8B16 CEEC F2E1 766C 8B3D DE66 99FE 0 Endorsements
Status Debian Maintainer since 2022-03-24

Short Biography

I am an IT Security professional who has been introduced to the Debian and Free Software world via the downstream Ubuntu project that imports from Debian.

I am an Ubuntu Core Developer, with upload access across the Ubuntu repositories. In Debian, however, my focus is more narrow. I took over the XCA source package in 2019 and have kept the package updated. I've also got vmfs6-tools accepted as 'new' in Debian as a new package to provide vmfs6 filesystem support.

I also actively monitor and keep an eye on the nginx package in Debian as I am the primary driver for nginx being kept updated in Ubuntu. I also do bug testing in Debian and handling triage between Ubuntu and Debian for issues that transcend both distributions, or where an issue originates in Debian first.

I also keep a hawk's eye on torbrowser-launcher in both Debian and Ubuntu. I have commit access to torbrowser-launcher via the Debian Privacy Tools Maintainers team on Salsa and had nearly-blind sponsoring on my 0.3.7-1 version of torbrowser-launcher in Unstable and Testing to fix QA issues, with approval from Tor Project members on that team to simply approve my uploads pending keyring updates (as of February 2024) in the system for me as this means there's more frequent attention on torbrowser-launcher now to triage/fix bugs with it being in my radar.

Personal history

New-style processes
Started Last Target Applicant UID Status AM
2024-02-25 2024-07-23 DD, upl. Thomas Ward teward AM tiago
2022-09-03 2022-09-21 DD, upl. Thomas Ward teward Closed
2022-03-12 2022-03-24 DM Thomas Ward teward Closed
Old-style processes
Applicant From To Applying for Progress AM Advocate(s)