-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA512 Hi Please make Arnaud Ferraris (currently a Debian Maintainer) a Debian Developer, uploading (advocated by agx). Key 796DB393DC3FF40222B6EA22D3EBB5966BB99196 should be moved from the 'Debian Maintainer' to the 'Debian Developer, uploading' keyring. Key fingerprint: 796DB393DC3FF40222B6EA22D3EBB5966BB99196 uid: a-wai First name: Arnaud Middle name: - Last name: Ferraris Current status: Debian Maintainer Target keyring: Debian Developer, uploading Forward email: arnaud.ferraris@gmail.com Details: https://nm.debian.org/process/1012/ Arnaud Ferraris has accepted the DMUP in a signed statement. Details from a-wai: For nm.debian.org, at 2022-02-18: I would like to apply to change my status in Debian to Debian Developer, uploading. I am working mostly as part of the DebianOnMobile team, maintaining over 20 packages so far, and having been granted DM upload rights for most of those. I also maintain Mobian, a Debian derivative aimed at becoming a Pure Blend, and therefore working towards upstreaming Mobian packages (including metapackages, configuration and device-specific tweaks improving the user experience on mobile devices) into the Debian archive. So far I have worked mainly with agx and federico, with occasional collaboration with nicolas, vagrant and gusnan. I am mainly interested in making Debian work on mobile devices (such as the Librem 5, PinePhone (Pro), PineTab...), as well as improving the availability of applications from the GNOME/Phosh ecosystem. In order to fulfill these goals, I plan to keep getting involved in the DebianOnMobile team, and hopefully work more with the GNOME and Rust teams. Becoming a Debian Developer, uploading would allow me to be more autonomous with the packages I maintain and the ones I'm planning to introduce in the future, and would step up my involvement in Debian in general. - -- Thank you, Pierre-Elliott Bécue (as Front Desk pp. DAM) -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- iQIzBAEBCgAdFiEE5CQeth7uIW7ehIz87iFbn7jEWwsFAmKXPs4ACgkQ7iFbn7jE WwtcORAAwahGPYv3M/ybak1EGMrs/pMkPe4Q+JpImn5tHBJ9oUvBs97mwphvumJR ATw6PYqSWvlXGEKMZLeyG4FuiIAyWRgtiGL3SyLB+VmBWnBC9GVA+QePDVWbu0HM 2MkY1Pyamug+orHL0y8o8+8wWxqNsgK9IydDqkMD8452FJ0glFLFZ1joNtOMKfjr lyCZEj/cuPev9k2c+86O5xL52tM8bOLxgMEA204Eg7AmO9/Yg5GgcHXqFd0Vo2di fQ5PNatMoZZ4oxn8ZoMzYTOaolopYPYwO5/cQ2GX+oesZD09TRsHCQpNqhsf9zR0 2yk7dNx8WE6dUsEnchHL8XYPYC+mikRLfoKfNCGIHiX2V0N2n1j/bungbkORJxov rgK0wBNmM+hKmbtWb8lzOYIl2Ci0/iilF/nhsXzc0ochT3Y0R08CT3jk6sfaOIqO 3b5BUDUgaUJoMyP5og+qxJajak6ipTiBH+nS7PYiSOVB3iXPtQqn4pIzGSXEl0hS Ri5Ss6YM6+wGc7/ulDnuU5njyBlboL19qfZk73z78b3K+qHIT10tpK3hgVM3DAGJ 4d5AVPLXg+twrwabbov+njjXRl+wP4AavZ3QUM6POPdeUpmL2X6RLTFWxisfyDYR LW6QNJdxsKVWtzKKf1bw1weiX5upUFPTU83+XjIEzGVohFKe33w= =qQgx -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----