-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA256 Hi Please make Juri Grabowski (currently a Debian Contributor) a Debian Maintainer (advocated by wouter). Key 7DC8BBCB1D5037D2F8C6DF9E1FBF96BB06B28691 should be added to the 'Debian Maintainer' keyring. Key fingerprint: 7DC8BBCB1D5037D2F8C6DF9E1FBF96BB06B28691 uid: gratuxri First name: Juri Middle name: - Last name: Grabowski Current status: Debian Contributor Target keyring: Debian Maintainer Forward email: debian@jugra.de Details: https://nm.debian.org/process/1269/ Juri Grabowski has accepted the DMUP in a signed statement. Details from gratuxri: I would like to apply to change my status in Debian to Debian Maintainer. I have worked on sphinx-sitemap and extrepo-offline-data for a while and I would like to be able to upload it directly to debian archive. - -- Thank you, Santiago Ruano Rincón (as Front Desk) -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- iHUEARYIAB0WIQRZVjztY8b+Ty43oH1itBCJKh26HQUCZfS8dQAKCRBitBCJKh26 HcuwAP9E1rTN24w3+/ddFpSqjhSWqloICyiJ2rivw2gz/pCH3gD+IDcUdBsjGecI AMiib6f+BhHw+mB+E5SL9nh/Sn2M2w4= =K9jr -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----