-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA256 I support Nicholas D Steeves 's request to become Debian Maintainer. I have worked with Nicholas D Steeves for some months and I'm pretty sure about his skills in packaging and devotion to Debian project. There is unfortunately an issue: the Debian infrastructure is not actually allowing a DD to grant DM permissions for a package only in a particular suite (e.g. he maintains his packages only in backports suite, and he is not yet, or won't be added as uploader in unstable/Stretch). So, while I like his work, he keeps the packages up-to-date, he follows upstream development, and keeps his packages bug free (in backports/unstable), I won't probably give him dm rights until he gets added in the uploaders list. (this is nothing against his good faith, but something against honest mistakes in wrong suite uploads). So, please consider letting him become a DM, in the meanwhile probably current uploaders will add him to their packages. thanks for your work so far! -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1 iQIcBAEBCAAGBQJYSDuWAAoJEPNPCXROn13ZipYP/3k3v+y5LgHLSqTEgCgtN6oT fUVC8YFTVkSYqRsIgWKFKLcGqEccRe2990uHE7RQkWakCBjxa1ege/dFbrZZikon Xt90kAiQ585JjdaHTIMgF/JkK+nATmj5nA7e9I9DbRr0GKbmgc8maQAWzLLe0dce KulSpPgNGKDgvGs6CrSmEFwD/ZYASh01GfZ1UNbYRhddPkjCRHUy0v9aOkw7uT4l SSp35dQfO25OaB2lmAuOip8/ZS8gxyXdVU2en4Pjbf49xfu3XsJH/DHYm7kfM3wr QWN+vbEVfrM5zUGkc5ZcfoZpR/h2Q97J3lVjUl1cuR5+T3iUr+VVNAB1CN8RjSqB OjH6AkKyI49VDe5ES9hxV/pemoaQkhdZ7324hHk7PlwgS1e+ltQC/Tba7246USTb DtG/oH+h0hLB2UCyj+EJzZmfKttCv7K0EkTmfDxAxPGczxJTo8VbHjRZUfRs4UBB S0HNrLC3jPK4wgpK8fmxe3LG9EQWFpcpjJaddtMfZ+SEFRGXhoMUN7T3NzZuuNfr g2uvaYpBKEmlN2ldLeV2BSovL21aWNUyrtulD6GDaXb0wKOJk2uWnl0j1eCJiT1Q 03a758x5ZqsdfJfZuucn4hbdpBGK5lMSpUfy/vn8/FxCLRxllNXd/FbKdXHgTLzY ZbCH/MHqm8h6QwhBh35H =AT1/ -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----