-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA512 All: This is my declaration of intent to become a Debian Maintainer. I have read the Social Contract, Debian Free Software Guidelines and Debian Machine Usage Policy and agree with all of them. I have collaborated with the Java Packaging Team for years and have help create the Debian Clojure Team. Most recent activity includes: 1. Longtime collaboration with the Debian Java Team 2. Help support creation of and join the Debian Clojure Team 3. Bug#871781: ITP: shimdandy -- Shim wrapping multiple Clojure runtimes into the same JVM (Package upload sponsored by tony mancill, currently in NEW) https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-java/shimdandy.git 4. Fixed lintian errors https://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/pkg-clojure-maintainers/Week-of-Mon-20170807/000646.html 5. Closed Java RC Bug: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=871370 6. Bug#871913: ITP: boot-clj -- Build tooling for Clojure I would like to continue to close Java RC bugs, help work towards making openjdk-9 the default-jdk, get Clojure build tools packaged and consider keithp's suggestion for accelerating our Java (and other language) application packaging approach. My GnuPG 0x40BFEE868B055D9A is signed by (at least) 75 Debian Developers. For the DebConf 17 KSP my rank was 14 and MSD 1.9587 [0]. Several of you may be surprised that I'm not a DD *yet*... This is a high priority bug that I intend to fix! Some may remember my previous declaration (as part of the old process) [1]. I am thrilled to become a Debian Maintainer. Thanks for your attention. - --Tom [0] https://people.debian.org/~anibal/ksp-dc17/names.html [1] https://lists.debian.org/debian-newmaint/2013/03/msg00001.html -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- iQIzBAEBCgAdFiEEiEpSxKyKu5MdFY+oQL/uhosFXZoFAlmRuWYACgkQQL/uhosF XZrMcA/+Kgir3lCvnEuvd6+qb1+4F5z/f4YGp2mCo+F7kpwzVrbX/NAy5DMnJnH4 DEgqQyYfLfOSZ8QgHh2bZxLGntMyxMd3yfEG/fRDNMcZmgeFSW9obGksdTXdQLax QEEAlG5VhIm8dv70/dRbIDgJhOyvQeaoDKatjApcOKHFfxMYKey/1bvUCIWyboMp H5s5e3I7/Q21RptQkUDd+rYd4heMQfe0H4uOZkIpmpipzoZ0Z2qnj13XcR9I9Vt/ pM7xIUaSyjcXMoaRC7zu9dxbL6MeEAgyaRTn7TFT33jOKjErqADKAvmywlyPKKjb DDaS07YWYQlFKqY4WVR3CY5G2dG6gdmAHfUcrw9NTDf+7D9HeXgPIKevaBjqHx/d IUBMt7Ra/02hGP6SRuZf0R/kUcT1fRilmd9k6o23jBuSelAhMY2bGRtizI8w3oQc 1uPjv/DxSp1NSTrmmQY1maYGF+mpI6vj2E1mCLNH2uQMeRMAiEzTuY3/AtYLOTd5 RSrVSlM0e+8QWRa3SWJDCsp5qQAK1MX54o3/+3EsoTbam9N5LfUffn4ZfSocum7N dOeDtFqS/5iVAYogXN3Qq6Qu8t1L04S2olosBo1Nqp/FaOdu1zEHoxvdG4oxa6uu aHKbdcgq7FprNrhMzYeD8V4S8FUL58Nl3yI6qjbUipU4F310H6o= =E+Bl -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----