-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA512 I support Louis-Philippe Véronneau 's request to become Debian Developer, non-uploading. I am expecting that this will convert to an uploading Debian Developer too, in some time, and I look forward to writing that advocation too. I have worked with Louis-Philippe Véronneau on debconf-video for over 2 years and it would now be really useful if he had an account. He started by organising volunteers for the video team, and has gone on to bid for and host a debconf. I won't, and can't really, list everything he has done for us. But it may include some blog posts of cats, delicious Shakshuka, yesterday, and a fair amount of ansible hacking. I have personally worked with Louis-Philippe Véronneau (key 677F54F1FA8681AD8EC0BCE67AEAC4EC6AAA0A97) for over 2 years, and I know Louis-Philippe Véronneau can be trusted to be a full member of Debian, right now. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- iQEzBAEBCgAdFiEE/zEtpbjiRmXHk+j/6vGSvKo/D1EFAloZTjIACgkQ6vGSvKo/ D1EcUwf/WIvTiNcyGk2eAcmkrbuieftPF36bzOiQgelNqF2NWkDfQ4rjvJtrVgPD LLVyLHJByLaoONrRq9BbjLMiwmjKLsAAtAlHccUirCv5Y6sHkB7SZbYkOGBUqk5V 87GN5W3MlbTRKxjKe6U2g4SkY2R2sIWBU6OTA4cbmQ1x+DIvefdzuyaJCKeCjYfd aUF20i6HTB0PTJB9Dypaqpl7LxONmR9LPYg0a5mvMxy2BbZ/m85ZLDg/Qm4RnpMs 9rQai56AproLu9JGh3rIer7r9dbGioERfeDr8tHHeUn8cIGJAyp43LnRqAx2gt6s qrn7M1mUaG+pkYi13mkl5QP0+WEQyQ== =5BY7 -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----