-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA512 I would like to apply for status as a Debian Maintainer in order to help bring this distribution and its Free Software to those who need it. I have been using Debian and derivatives in personal and professional capacities for many years. Currently, I spend most of my professional time in a DevOps role, as a Linux advocate and mentor, and as an advocate for FLOSS and security, at large. Most of my technical free time is spent using and promoting privacy oriented technologies, and supporting and advocating for those, as well. There are a large number of packages in need of a maintainer or whose maintainer needs help, and I would like to give back to the community using the skills this community has helped me develop by helping provide this distribution to others, and helping carry the workload, as well as help bring more security and privacy technologies to the world. ~ Sean 2017-12-13 -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- iQGTBAEBCgB9FiEEI8dor2weMahjT2HhG5rae8y/BO8FAloyIXFfFIAAAAAALgAo aXNzdWVyLWZwckBub3RhdGlvbnMub3BlbnBncC5maWZ0aGhvcnNlbWFuLm5ldDIz Qzc2OEFGNkMxRTMxQTg2MzRGNjFFMTFCOUFEQTdCQ0NCRjA0RUYACgkQG5rae8y/ BO8ivAgAzCp2bSfCDfi4t/LJFLOtNsmsGEPmIALosSHISm8VA894OueIXoi8MZio 2CBQIJ5BDppx9M15V7gyvQMjV+rrZhwYvf8tR9V9flmvuBJy0T8rjmvywYVxyV+3 5+ZxejB5S2UT4s9IJXY53acKORefR6VElttf+YS3uxc3ROAwDEcq8hg9Qen8GFbT f829k08Vcd7L1csJQIZRstLm602oCRKU4pav0/kTEivMskVmuw046sI84Eo+O2NK QHuLXH3qqRBzgO80Frh5rqNyjFt/+fVloKVmdLldQmVO3wSMGCKn0WZb9rpexFdj gUu25IVfFcBHf6AFXW4WTWzSTTPptw== =H898 -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----