-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Hi, I'am applying to be a non-uploading Debian Developer on behalf on my work on Debian in the last 3 years, and my motivation to continue so. Since 2013 I've been developing and maintaining Debsources, a web service hosted at http://sources.debian.net, and providing an easy way to browse the content of all Debian source packages, as well as interesting statistics about them. After attending many Debconfs (2013, 2015, 2016), I feel like I want to officially belong to the project, notably because I entirely agree with its free software culture and policy. Besides, I intend to go into packaging work, and eventually get upload rights. You can check most of my Debian work on https://contributors.debian.org/contributor/matthieuc-guest@alioth/ Cheers, - -- Matthieu (this statement is signed, and made on 2016-07-07 for nm.debian.org) -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1 iQIcBAEBAgAGBQJXfYrMAAoJEPYgfdz9u0JBNhMQANFRbdbUYbK7AQTmBlhgBxNm cIFs3DDtpAHt8xM6Gah0/KE2BW/UJ1pSe1fsvz8oXs5S/wtJIUOv1DB/eruVkQk2 yybyteCfYq1FE5o6QE38Wh9ZnG+aIfKewKcTefIVyp2CSjk5cXr2Z4qAQlogXxx5 YWDcgyssaMwNE6YuPPWfxHnNFgNPAK/PggrEroHZz76V83ySpWeHBhF6GpcaXDN4 BL4dXRD5qRc15+HdgupVNm52OTjRJfZVN2DMsc7FqB3tx3HtNwbXDItLnWV5YqOj tcZoR2w56j0xJIDvMeok1aIMfIY5ADOtPhyEOEDvcQOrvGvchEehKQ8A2Fu+IOoc 8y54td1MN7lWWgfVoC1TGbYp7xmhZ2tS1ohwNp5XcbN7Eh4dHBA+SrxfH2fr4+5R 7SEH7hO3UjL2+tqcQD7beZsdFD8P/f6l/bsgPRElqf0jPscIGsln1fNgCo5Hqyrr 4a6j2ersFgiImLkEW3jnn0beEwY2IJ02MMV6EDSn0ZIlJ2LgiLhtV4yX90v1eKIk 79LhyHcSK3UzjBrHWMuy9q38y8PRa8BzKwnJXISQYGZ8DUYo2xlD+7Ic7snMbgl8 Akd5f+AeKeeYrC4Kh9L61Y42mj61JfUlv0p2TLFi02bOCQEgE2Z85+J3a1ssBR7t vEAiyxO2cKgFGC61g1Sb =oDbY -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----