-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA512 I have been working with Jerome BENOIT 0x3F9219A67F36C68B since about 4 years, mainly as sponsor for his TeX related packages bibtool and 3dldf. He has shown very good packaging qualities and has consistently maintained and kept bibtool in an excellent state. I fully trust him and I am strongly suggesting to approve him after the necessary procedures to full DD status, including full upload to the archive rights. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- iQEcBAEBCgAGBQJXq70dAAoJEOwAuNrTImaqE/kH/jDV4DGkzrTJAWrdGKBNzeWt hHJ/1nYdv7RIT4gJAHvjmXtm15MNcOPmaSZulSF0MmN5b1DtN7Q/wimBgjFpRkUx mkTttgegsdiol1fu3aX8foMJqCiAmuUtJVAclpj8eMPYeLQCbhwxnqlZTnqeZ9f/ +jLKEwu6FWuSNTLZ4H2RqHCIBvsHwQ650aSItiWB0wt137zhJeVGE4CR33UND5s1 yo2LnR+q4AXoMeOe6TDwrII2btsh8Rp5ftl/QE0V3HrbDRIY17bbwiXNvhg4DdjX sdEzmDnXM9Ax2bN750iiMHC/wv6fe4yK5QF5TcJl5YURVPqLr9JO7ZVVtys1bak= =EYv5 -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----