-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA256 nm.debian.org, Eric Heintzmann , 2016-09-03 I support Eric Heintzmann 's request to become Debian Maintainer. I have worked with Eric Heintzmann on gnustep libraries for almost a year and I would like to be able to not have to spend time sponsoring packages for him, they are wonderful packages and he should be able to just upload them. I state that Eric has the technical skills needed to maintain Debian packages. I support his application to become a Debian Maintainer because he has a great understanding of the packaging process and policies and is also happy to ask for help when he is not able to find an answer to a problem in the documentation. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v2 iQEcBAEBCAAGBQJXyrRWAAoJEMx+J398PcNNqJAH/0rocOl0zbovGmIlVXvO464U jb7Rk5qEJHtf7C8Iwnwj8qS5tKobHb4fErzY7YdiMqnZE39rbnnxIyf4fHAmC+fN /kZxQS+05ur5c8iT02KpIjSpQ1au0AMbqOU3IDXIS+4SwL3/Ft/qMLNtTtK1Or5x McBXBM7Disd+ZQPhhr5Zt+mxAe1RZvqXwI4URERNWa+r+zHUiKN3GVq+VM7Q5CcL IUgPnU603rJHsCBhRaVWutBHzDTju3vC2hIH6FVedxxKk/VJIHk3OLxg9d/I6PRQ MRS5nyeoG+w/SssZa63ucKa3qcnanTnYwqHABnfPc6ObU/VIOAK7ooieHsT2GN0= =rvRc -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----