-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA512 For nm.debian.org, at 2021-02-12: I support Sophie Brun 's request to become Debian Developer, uploading. I have personally worked with Sophie Brun (key 3B21B8E68AE5C16F87F5322D5792783B206FEE30) for the last 6 years. She has been working at Freexian with me. I have sponsored dozens of packages for her, largely as part of the work that we do for Kali Linux in the context of the pkg-security team and that is paid by Offensive Security but not only: https://qa.debian.org/developer.php?email=sophie%40offensive-security.com She has created lots of new packages in Kali Linux and also contributed a few of them in Debian. Some of the packages that she created for Kali have been imported back into Debian by other contributors. She has also been contributing to various Debian packages on request of other Freexian customers: https://qa.debian.org/developer.php?email=sophie%40freexian.com She should have joined Debian much earlier but she was scared (and still somewhat is) because she lacks some confidence in her technical abilities and is not always at ease with the use of English. The few times when she made mistakes, she always fixed them swiftly and tries hard to follow the high standards we have with Debian (while we take some liberty in Kali). I believe her (long-term) track record of contributions shows by itself that there's no point to start as Debian Maintainer, in particular since the work she's doing requires touching many different packages and introducing new packages to Debian. I know that Sophie Brun can be trusted to be a full member of Debian, and have unsupervised, unrestricted upload rights, right now. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Comment: Signed by Raphael Hertzog iQEzBAEBCgAdFiEE1823g1EQnhJ1LsbSA4gdq+vCmrkFAmAmhg8ACgkQA4gdq+vC mrlfSwf/VYswMepU+Y5rikwV7dGAZORIWUNri5CBVKw36K97E4NIs2tl9D3OvKyk jq3JuTNNWrKwGCfURC8QV00DICDFGowIIeElSyatPUUFuZivKLdpR6yaGbHwlKUV WWZBe5c8u99yp+bnygsz/wrJc9TT156/0F8jKBQGgcEdsGhRWJ9iPsaL2fSGw7Ug uJu2QsfWWEXOFvLqmcsCok1iZuuv2V6FV18WdqCDTHVaDqEi65mbK8vp2t+J0GtA inVRWAuVyn1kdtZzi0GtV11d7TNMDD6+0Jl4MzLMbKzBPsSKcInFMzxuI27O5MRO Y3qV1htPKzspMw5IemDO8umOT3BjLw== =cNds -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----