-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA256 I support Frédéric Bonnard 's request to become Debian Developer, uploading. I have worked with Frédéric Bonnard on a lot of ppc64el packages, but not limited to them, and I see his committment in Debian really valuable, due to its daily job and its personal interests in Debian. I have personally worked with Frédéric Bonnard (key 87DBD5756155202EC3885E936B7498FCB9B358AC) for almost one year now, and I know Frédéric Bonnard can be trusted to be a full member of Debian, and have unsupervised, unrestricted upload rights, right now. I really liked how since january, 13th (when I started sponsoring his packages), he has increased his packaging skills, bringing and fixing many Ubuntu packages, to be in shape for Debian standards, and then helped in keeping them in sync between Debian and Ubuntu. He also did some security fixes on one of them, helping security team in writing/checking CVEs and the DSA work. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1 iQIcBAEBCAAGBQJX8oJJAAoJEPNPCXROn13Z/mEP/AoKJZ1CdoMqofUvsn3Bq2M2 xLSB++4Fcoo73rKdwNQywgQZds9jCrjErZ3u/uxRyeW0+FsoeO1CxePfSVTqhI2s rm7cAjjs7WhAg8l0YL/gg5rpKYud6ZIozsqqEBzXnOywZJZfxm5LWSZPQeIlGQHa uXyCf/2jDNwDiNDN03pRPnAfmz2O9hKPzgPA0mDMo09T9IyZ1iRWozgQ5L7Eu12k RFqABfUUsIIZfVvYNzwRHsYm0J8OItaVEiJ0GCIWYX6oQbukqsuIQRRUVLPLVQdT 3wa+Ih027Uu/8Tzo/CyLRZN2VtAP6fI+bh4J8W4z+MMwhZ+Chqme6N17LP+ldEDC RSxthEZA20tOkdjc9z3hba/VLowNY2ibeexf3NyGzWR/XYbtQz6/9mh/GitE+p/g JOEqaKilcqU/r6Rv4Qoe2le451swyOaZH3gpuciE0k8i3eqA4+vnTrlS6A7f+mZq G81YOqXFznoTG4BR+/iW7fUq9Yh0caRkEzAF2H6O0HhFl/3utNwdmWKZs0ebajKF gp8YVuvL+Kvul2yC03A8Mk0OFOymWhGcv11vNc044Suq0nnYqIf3ld+fjqZfD1sI 3dATa+LMbQa7DrTo55ezUg1UssBHelnJ2suCHPO4BTeBG5wq2Hk9KcCyxPlE+HkB dpcnJFN5KPncnhJuq1E1 =BJho -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----