For, at 2023-01-09: For the past 6+ months, I have worked with Israel Galadima on javascript team maintained packages, especially a 3 month outreachy internship to create an apt plugin for yarn package manager. He has continued contributions after the outreachy period as well. For this past work, Israel Galadima sent mails using the email address which is the one they're using on, and they signed their work and email using a GPG key with fingerprint A34E 9DC3 AD34 D27F 17CF 36D2 3679 ECB8 7B7C EC0C. I've made sure that they are able to decrypt encrypted messages sent to this key and that they're able to sign messages with the same key. Additionally verified the email id with their matrix account by sending a secret code encrypted to their email and verifying it on matrix. Due to the long-term interactions we had, I'm convinced that Israel Galadima as they present themselves on is the rightful owner of both email and GPG key A34E 9DC3 AD34 D27F 17CF 36D2 3679 ECB8 7B7C EC0C.