Application status for Balasankar Chelamattathu

Personal information

ApplicantBalasankar Chelamattathu <>
Received application2016-03-05
Time of Last Action2017-08-02
Advocates boutil, praveen
Account namebalasankarc
OpenPGP fingerprint DDF2 B83B 1635 33E0 5B69 6D5B B77D 2E2E 2373 5427
ProcessDebian Maintainer → Debian Developer, uploading
Account createdyes

Process log

Date Changed by Progress
2016-03-05 boutil Received enough advocacies
2016-03-09 jmw Activity poll sent
2016-03-10 jmw Advocacies have been approved
2016-03-10 jmw Waiting for AM to confirm
2016-03-11 faw Interacting with an AM
2017-07-18 faw AM approved
2017-08-02 enrico FD approved
2017-08-02 enrico DAM approved